Growing Together

The leading reference in educational games and practical tools for families
Understanding and managing emotions
Games to help children develop their emotional skills
Discover these games
Learning to speak and express themselves
Games to develop language from 0 to 5 years old
Discover these games
On the road to reading and writing
Learning based on pleasure and success
Discover these games


Child Development Experts

Placote games and tools were designed in 1996 by a school publishing house and is supported by experts in the field. These games and tools support families and help with everyone’s development, both children and parents alike.

About Placote
Local and eco-friendly
Made in Quebec

All our products are designed and manufactured in our Quebec City plant. We manufacture our games and tools using the most eco-friendly materials available and constantly try to reduce our footprint on the planet.

Family Fun
The key : parent-child interaction

Placote games and tools always give an important role to parents in order to maximize each product’s educational potential. Our products create learning opportunities as well as providing memorable moments of family fun.

What our customers think about us...

Placote games provide invaluable opportunities to connect with our children, whether you’re a parent, a teacher or any other person involved in supporting young people. You can enjoy the Placote collection with family, friends, at school or daycare; it’s always fun and educational at all times!

Geneviève L., Psychoeducator

We love playing board games at home, so we definitely wanted to pass on our love of board games to our 3-year-old son. Placote games are perfect, very-suitable and attractive to children. They’re a big hit with us!

Cindy, Mother of a 3 year old boy

There are so many learning opportunities provided by these games that I can't live without them. My children and I have beautiful moments of fun while learning as do the children with whom I work who have various challenges. Thank you for allowing us to raise our children by letting them be children. ♥️

Jade, Special Education Technician and mother of 3 girls

My 4-year-old and 6-year-old children love them because they work on several spheres of educational development for the little ones while being fun! I also used them in my work as a child educator to support certain themes over the year. I love the games simply because they’re well-made and easy-to-use!

Gyna, Mother of 2 children

Claire owns several Placote games and loves getting them as gifts. The whole family loves the sight of a Placote game as it means we’ll be having a good time together. These games are well-illustrated and meet the needs of an autistic child, while fostering their development. I'm really happy that I can use such a great tool developed by local professionals!

Marie-Ève, Mother of 3 children, including 1 with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)