How does it feel?
How does it feel?
How does it feel?
How does it feel?

How does it feel?


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Optimal (bleu foncé) : Le jeu stimule au maximum le développement de l’enfant. Pertinent (bleu pâle) : Le jeu est amusant pour l’enfant et lui permet d’apprendre.

Objective : Identify emotions

Learn to recognize basic human emotions by matching images. Will you be able to find the matching sad little girls, or the sad boy and the sad grandpa? Then take it a step further by associating each emotion with its cause.

How does it feel? is designed to help kids aged 1½ to 4 recognize and name emotions. Along the way they learn that we all feel the same emotions, though they are caused by many different factors. And of course a single situation often elicits a wide range of emotional responses.

  • 6 double-sided Game cards
  • 16 double-sided Emotion cards
  • Game Card Frame
  • Instructional Guide for parents
  • Rule sheet

By seeing the same emotion on the faces of different characters, or by seeing the same person experiencing a range of emotions, children learn to better understand and identify common emotions—both their own and other people’s. This experience also drives home the point that everyone feels the same emotions. How does it feel? helps children learn these vital emotional lessons.

Children also begin noticing that, while certain situations elicit particular emotions, the same situation does not necessarily make all children feel the same way. Playing How does it feel? helps children understand both the range of emotions a given situation can elicit, and the range of possible causes that can produce a given emotion.

How does it feel? also helps children acquire vocabulary related to human emotions, contributing to their language development. The game’s design encourages children to complete simple puzzles, an activity that promotes cognitive and fine motor skill development.

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